XLT-The forgotten ones

State 29- is coming back strong!


Medic Program

The Medic Program is designed to assist XLT members during the Wasteland King (WK) Event in defending the state hub. During Showdown members who accept transport quest send RSS to one of the medic accounts, which we have 2 and this RSS is used during the WK event to aid our members in healing their troops. Each member is expected to heal until they can’t, once they can’t heal their troops, the medic steps in upon request and heals until it can’t. First come, first serve.

In the XLT discord channel we have a Medic Section. Each time a player makes a donation to the medic they are to screen shot the donation and post it in the Medic Donation SS channel. Every time the medic does a healing the medic screen shots the transports and post in the medic healing ss channel. In the medic general chat channel is where an individual makes the request to have healing assistance, by taking a screen shot of their healing needs showing the lack of RSS to heal. They can also request it in alliance chat, but still needs to do the screen shot and post so that the medics can show full accountability.

Push program

After a player has been with XLT for 60 days and leadership feels they are a good fit for the alliance, once they are at HQ 30, they may request to be pushed to the next HQ level up until they reach HQ 35 and open their T11 troops. XLT can only push 2 players at a time, so if there are 2 players being pushed, you will have to wait for XLT to get them to HQ 35 before we take on any more. Our current Push candidates are Khaos Sr and LaHab.

Showdown In House Competition

XLT players love to compete! Showdown can be kinda boring so SkyeThe666ishRaccoon created a friendly in house competition, which it gives a little incentive to take a higher scoring quest to insure the alliance receives the maximum awards possible. Everyone that is eligible to participate in Showdown is eligible for this competition.

The Rules are: None of Skye’s accounts are eligible to participate. Only 1 account per player may win. Every winner can designate which account the winnings go to- whether it is their account or another player’s account. Top 3 high scores are the winners. Each winner no matter their placing win exactly the same prizes which are 5 mil each of food and wood, 1 mil each of steel and gas.