XLT-The forgotten ones

State 29- is coming back strong!

Join State 29

Coming back stronger than ever!

About State 29

State 29 is a small state that imploded long before XLT came to it. We chose State 29 because we were burned out on the drama of the other states. We have been at the bottom and at the top, but no matter where we were at, the state we were in was filled with unnecessary drama, so we all decided that we wanted to go to a dying state, rebuild it with similar minds and players that have the ability to leave their drama where it belongs- OUT OF THE GAME! Our goal is to be the funnest fighting state there is in the game! If you love the game, want to have fun, hate drama and can accept people as they are- you may be a match for our state. You don’t have to be a part of XLT, you can join one of the other alliances that fits your needs, culture, language, time zone and etc. State 29 respects its players and has a full state nap for all alliances, no matter the size.

xlt event schedule

Check out our event schedule to see if it fits with your schedule. We have players around the world and while its not perfect it maximizes participation.


We have programs that not only benefit you, but our team and state.


XLT hosts the Wasteland King event. State rules are important to get acquainted with. Make sure you can live by these few simple rules before coming to State 29.